CyberPrime, LLC’s Information Assurance Service focuses on our 1st defense element, Deter, which provides our clients with a focused sustained security program that helps them to secure systems against malicious cyber activities before they can compromise the systems or the enterprise.
Information Assurance
Governance Risk &
Compliance Services
CyberPrime can help you build flexible, actionable Risk Management plans and then partner with you to bring those plans to fruition. We pull risk management out of the theoretical and bring it into the practical.
CyberPrime can perform Penetration testing (pen testing) to find vulnerabilities in your network. Our experts can identify weak spots and offer solutions to safeguard your infrastructure and proprietary assets.
Continuous Diagnostics & Mitigation (CDM) Support Services
CyberPrime provides product, CDM, and federal client advisory services to include but may not be limited to (business justifications, cost-benefit analysis, executive presentations, strategic plan, potential client engagement strategies, etc.).
Artificial Intelligence
CyberPrime Consultants help our clients recognize and responsibly manage the risk and reward from the adoption of emerging AI technology. This includes, social media, mobile technology, cloud computing, information technology risk management, wireless communications, connected devices, Blockchain technologies, 3-D printing, bio-technologies, and robotics.
Network Security Testing & Evaluation
CyberPrime consultants leverage years of experience and background in networking, systems deployment and support, architecture, and an extensive library of compliance and security test scripts to evaluate and test the security of your network.
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Preparation
CyberPrime can prepare your organization for the CMMC audit and get you certified for any of the five levels.
Vulnerability Assessment Services
The purpose of a vulnerability assessment is to evaluate your current IT environment and discover known vulnerabilities, review your current security posture in the context of those vulnerabilities, and provide recommendations for correcting them.
User Awareness Training & Work Force Development
While training is not a top priority, we offer training and include it as an optional service area as needed. Customized courses can be developed and focused on specific user groups or specific aspects of the Cybersecurity as deemed important by our clients.
With decades of industry experience and innovation, we can educate our clients on security awareness and response actions that will help sustain a strong and mature defense system for their organization.